Properties in Pobeda quarter in Burgas for sale and for rent

For rent
Premises with the status of a medical centre in a working administrative building
Burgas , Quarter Pobeda
Premises suitable for medical activity in the quarter of Pobeda
Medical center in a working administrative building in the district of Pobeda. There is a fast food restaurant on the ground floor and free parking around the building. Communicative area - gas station, supermarket, paid parking, shops, service stations, etc.
The property is
€ 1 350/month
300.00 m2 (5 €/m2) Floor: 2
Type of property:

Pavel Ravanov
Senior Estate Agent, Burgas

For rent
Premises for rent in Pobeda quarter in Burgas
Burgas , Quarter Pobeda
Fully finished new premises with parking spaces
An excellent solution for your business in Pobeda district in the city of Burgas. Premises for rent in a new building (2022) with an excellent location next to a bus stop and a taxi rank. The properties are suitable for offices, shops, warehouse, representative office, store,