For sale
Development land 18 km from the town of Stara Zagora
Gorno BotevoPlot in regulation suitable for building a family house
The area of the plot amounts to 950 sq.m., it is close to the center of the village. The plot is without electricity and without water, but close to connection points. It is suitable for building your dream house.
Gorno Botevo is located 18 km from Stara Zagora. It is located in the Stara Zagora field. The Deep river passes by the village.
We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.
Property reservation
You can reserve this property with a non-refundable deposit of 2,000 Euro, payable by credit card or by bank transfer to our company bank account. After receiving the deposit the property will be marked as reserved, no further viewings will be carried out with other potential buyers, and we will start the preparation of the necessary documents for completion of the deal. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information about the purchase procedure and the payment methods.
Property features
Type of property
Land, Development land, Investment land
Ref. No.
SZ 84711
950.00 m2
read text
Heating system
No heating
Air-conditioning system
No air-conditioning system
Gorno Botevo, Gorno Botevo- Closest city/town Ñòàðà Çàãîðà, about 20 km away
Local amenities
€ 10 500
950.00 m2 (11 €/m2)
- €
- $
- £
We accept credit, debit cards & PayPal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Agency commission due
Property ref: SZ 84711
When calling, please quote the property reference number.