For rent
Luxury office in business center Metro City in Mladost 3 district
Sofia, Mladost 3Modern office at the entrance of Aleksandar Malinov metro station, suitable for IT companies
The office (net area - 395 sq.m.) is an "open space" type with 2 large separate spaces, the so-called Team A and Team B, and separately:
• Director's office with meeting room, large LED TV for presentations, connected to the table and director's computer, conference IP phone, library, paintings, guest area and relaxation (access control to the office).
• Hallway with art gallery, leading to the director's office.
• Accounting with 2 working places, cupboards, special equipment (access control to the office).
• Spacious kitchen with furniture and fully equipped: sink, refrigerator with freezer, cupboards, microwave, coffee machine, mineral water machine, bar with 2 chairs.
• Separate toilets with an entrance hall, 3 pieces, one is for the director (with access control), 2 luxury sinks with everything you need.
• In front of the kitchen and toilet - space with 14 cupboards, for employees and service, one for the manager with access control.
• Separted server room with UPSs for the whole office, central smart-router, smart-switches POI, modern system / rail cupboards, with opening / closing system, which can also be used for storaging, special equipment for extinguishing with argon in case of fire with 24 sensors, separate server air conditioning, remote control, sound controls, video surveillance (access control).
• Separated large administrative office / seat between Team A and Team B.
• Separated special management office / place between Team A and Team B.
The office is very warm, in winter there is almost no need to turn on the air conditioning, and the ventilation system works constantly, taking care of the clean air.
The whole office has LAN wiring category 6-A, SCHRAK Technik Austria, network speed 100 GB, duplicate security lines, and dual Black Fiber optics to the server.
All working places (21) have independent power supply, to central UPSs (APCs), LAN sockets equipped with large comfortable desks, two monitors. There are special cabinets for the printers. The full furniture and equipment can be seen in the photos, including a sofa, armchairs and table, separated in a guest and / or relaxation area, as well as a large LED TV, remotely controlled from the server (for presentations), between Team A and Team B.
The property is equipped with video control with 8 cameras, NVR, central sound system with 2 amplifiers, 2 circuits, modern security system of General Electric. There is full access control - with cards and / or fingerprint, the director's office, accounting, 1 toilet, 1 cabinet, server room are also with separate access control. There is also a camera in front of the office. Two fire protection systems, one connected to the building, the other guarding the office. Ventilation system with 5 circuits, which in 2 modes (manual and automatic) control and filter the fresh air throughout the office. Mitsubishi air conditioning system, with 5 circuits, controlled and remote with WiFi.
The lighting is LED, incl. hidden lighting, in common areas the lighting is with sensors in order to optimize energy. The office has hot water in the kitchen and in the toilets.
Additionally, you can rent:
Parking spaces - about 130-150 BGN / space
Business internet 400 mb, 1: 1 guaranteed + VoIP exchange with telephones - BGN 360 / month without VAT
We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.
How to rent the property?
If you like the property and decide to rent it, we will be able to prepare a rental agreement with the landlord and present it for approval and signature by both parties. The usual practice is to prepay one rent for the first month and to leave a guarantee deposit to the landlord to the amount of one month's rent. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information on the procedure for renting the property as it may vary between long-term, short-term and seasonal rents.
Additional Services
Apart from renting a property though our company you can also take advantage of a number of additional services. We can offer insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furnishing, legal and accounting services, etc.
Property features
Type of property
Ref. No.
Sfa 79154
395.00 m2
read text
Fully furnished
Type of building
Brick-built, New building
Air-conditioning system
Air-conditioning system
Sofia, Mladost 3Local amenities
- Metro station "ALEKSANDAR MALINOV" - 84 m (2 min.) - Line No: M1
- Bus stop "METROSTANTsIYa AL. MALINOV" - 47 m (1 min.) - Bus No: 305, 111, 76
- Kindergarten "DG 28 „Yan Bibiyan“" - 239 m (3 min.)
- Kindergarten "DG 70 „Prolet“" - 349 m (5 min.)
- School "ChU Artis" - 262 m (4 min.)
- School "Meridian 22" - 426 m (6 min.)
- College "telerik Academy" - 597 m (8 min.)
- University "softuni" - 1.2 km (15 min.)
- Hospital "25 DKTs" - 816 m (10 min.)
- Hospital "Spetsializirana Bolnitsa Za Aktivno Lechenie Na Onkologichni Zabolyavaniya „Prof. D-r Marin Mushmov“ EOOD" - 1.1 km (14 min.)
- Medical center "Yana Avramova Atanasova" - 694 m (9 min.)
- Food market - 184 m (3 min.)
- Supermarket "T-Market" - 149 m (2 min.)
- Supermarket "kaufland" - 255 m (4 min.)
- Marketplace - 685 m (9 min.)
- Pet shop "ZooMagazin Lapichki" - 42 m (1 min.)
- Mall "metro City" - 28 m (1 min.)
- Bank "ProKredit Bank" - 103 m (2 min.)
- Bank "Banka DSK" - 322 m (4 min.)
- ATM "Banka DSK" - 322 m (4 min.)
- ATM "international Asset Bank" - 504 m (7 min.)
- Pharmacy - 290 m (4 min.)
- Postal service "speedy" - 192 m (3 min.)
- Postal service "PTTS Sofiya 1712" - 359 m (5 min.)
- Hair-dresser "km Art Studio" - 413 m (5 min.)
- Dry cleaner's - 800 m (10 min.)
- Beauty salon "beauty Room" - 212 m (3 min.)
- Vet "vip Vet" - 978 m (12 min.)
- Restaurant "angelo's" - 185 m (3 min.)
- Restaurant "Kashtata S Kiparisite" - 309 m (4 min.)
- Cafe "Maraya" - 326 m (4 min.)
- Bar "120ska" - 327 m (4 min.)
- Casino "casino Efbet" - 27 m (1 min.)
- Children's playground "Banicharnitsa" - 77 m (1 min.)
- Fitness centre - 271 m (4 min.)
- Tennis court - 429 m (6 min.)
- Park - 147 m (2 min.)
- Garden - 114 m (2 min.)
- Car park - 71 m (1 min.)
- Petrol station "shell" - 199 m (3 min.)
- Charging station "omv Emobility" - 663 m (8 min.)
- Car wash - 167 m (3 min.)
- Car service "6 Plus" - 219 m (3 min.)
- Embassy - 1.1 km (14 min.)
- Church "Rozhdestvo Hristovo" - 458 m (6 min.)
€ 5 214/month
395.00 m2 (13 €/m2)
- €
- $
- £
We accept credit, debit cards & PayPal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Agency commission due
Property ref: Sfa 79154
When calling, please quote the property reference number.