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Local amenities


  • Kindergarten "35-ta Sedmichna DG "Svoboda"" - 92 m (2 min.)
  • Kindergarten "Obedineto Detsko Zavedenie "Kalina"" - 115 m (2 min.)
  • School "PMG "Geo Milev"" - 313 m (4 min.)
  • School "4-to OU - Kiril Hristov" - 440 m (6 min.)

  • Hospital "Meditsinski Tsentar "Zdrave - 2000"" - 296 m (4 min.)
  • Hospital "2ra Poliklinika" - 542 m (7 min.)
  • Medical center "DKTs "Sano"" - 490 m (6 min.)

  • Food market "Bulevard" - 223 m (3 min.)
  • Supermarket "Detelina" - 291 m (4 min.)
  • Supermarket "Kres" - 386 m (5 min.)
  • Marketplace "Obshtinski Pazar" - 972 m (12 min.)
  • Bakery - 1.2 km (15 min.)
  • Pet shop - 274 m (4 min.)
  • Mall "mall Galeria" - 445 m (6 min.)

  • Bank "international Asset Bank" - 205 m (3 min.)
  • Bank "postbank" - 777 m (10 min.)
  • ATM - 563 m (7 min.)
  • ATM "Targovski Tsentar" - 1.2 km (15 min.)
  • Pharmacy "Mareshki" - 153 m (2 min.)
  • Postal service "econt" - 995 m (12 min.)
  • Hair-dresser "Frizüorski Salon "galera"" - 309 m (4 min.)
  • Dry cleaner's "Chistota Perfekt - Bachi Flor" - 787 m (10 min.)
  • Beauty salon "Elegans" - 579 m (7 min.)
  • Vet "Vita Veri" - 999 m (13 min.)

  • Restaurant - 103 m (2 min.)
  • Restaurant "Mehana "Harabiyata"" - 153 m (2 min.)
  • Cafe "Voden Duh" - 169 m (3 min.)
  • Bar "brothers' Cafe" - 580 m (7 min.)
  • Night club "Absolyut" - 1.2 km (14 min.)
  • Casino "magic Club" - 547 m (7 min.)

  • Fitness centre - 858 m (11 min.)
  • Swimming pool - 599 m (8 min.)
  • Sports pitch "Fizkulturen Salon" - 468 m (6 min.)
  • Tennis court - 671 m (9 min.)
  • Theatre "Leten Teatar" - 681 m (9 min.)
  • Theatre "Opera" - 824 m (10 min.)
  • Cinema "promax" - 996 m (12 min.)
  • Museum "Hilendarski Metoh" - 409 m (5 min.)
  • Museum "Regionalen Istoricheski Muzey" - 902 m (11 min.)

  • Park - 507 m (7 min.)

  • Car park - 501 m (7 min.)
  • Petrol station "Petrol AD" - 883 m (11 min.)
  • Car service "Optimal" - 1.1 km (14 min.)

  • Library "Rodina" - 252 m (4 min.)


€ 22 000 € 21 000
Area: 32.00 m2    (656 €/m2)
  • BGN
  • $
  • £
We accept credit, debit cards & PayPal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Agency commission due
FOR MORE INFORMATION Property ref: SZ 85336

When calling, please quote the property reference number.

Sergey Pelovski

Sergey Pelovski

Office Sofia
22, Zlaten Rog Str., floor 4, office 7, Sofia 1407 All properties (773)


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630.00 m2 (1 000 €/m2)
Sergey Pelovski Senior Estate Agent, Sofia
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93.49 m2 (952 €/m2)
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96.93 m2 (908 €/m2)
Sergey Pelovski Senior Estate Agent, Sofia
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€ 290 000
500.00 m2 (580 €/m2)
Sergey Pelovski Senior Estate Agent, Sofia
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