For rent
Invalid offer
House near Sofia
Near SofiaFor rent - house
The nearest town is situated about 35 km away.
We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.
How to rent the property?
If you like the property and decide to rent it, we will be able to prepare a rental agreement with the landlord and present it for approval and signature by both parties. The usual practice is to prepay one rent for the first month and to leave a guarantee deposit to the landlord to the amount of one month's rent. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information on the procedure for renting the property as it may vary between long-term, short-term and seasonal rents.
Additional Services
Apart from renting a property though our company you can also take advantage of a number of additional services. We can offer insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furnishing, legal and accounting services, etc.
Near Sofia- Closest city/town Sofia, about 35 km away
The settlement has:
- The closest airport is in Sofiya (SOF), about 35 km away
Local amenities
- Metro station "BIZNES PARK" - 18.1 km - Line No: 1
- Bus stop "MOSTA DOLNI PASAREL" - 3.6 km - Bus No: 3
- Trolleybus stop "Zh.K. DRUZhBA-2" - 16.7 km - Trolleybus No: 4
- Tram station "BUL. PROF. TsV. LAZAROV" - 18.2 km - Tram No: 23
- Kindergarten - 4.3 km
- Kindergarten "80 TsDG Iskra" - 10.6 km
- School "202 OU Hristo Botev" - 3.7 km
- School "182 TsDG" - 4.3 km
- College "Anglo-Amerikanski Kolezh" - 12.2 km
- University "MVR - NII Po Kriminalistika I Kriminologiya" - 18.7 km
- University "Evropeysko Visshe Uchilishte Po Ikonomika I Menidzhmant" - 19.1 km
- Hospital "Meditsinski Tsentar" - 4.3 km
- Hospital - 10.2 km
- Medical center "Zdravna Sluzhba S.Lozen" - 10.2 km
- Food market - 3.9 km
- Supermarket - 6.6 km
- Supermarket "TsBA" - 10.0 km
- Marketplace - 17.2 km
- Bakery - 17.3 km
- Pet shop - 17.3 km
- Mall "sofia Outlet Center" - 18.3 km
- Bank "Rayfayzenbank (Balgariya) EAD" - 17.5 km
- Bank "Tsentralna Kooperativna Banka" - 17.6 km
- Pharmacy "Farma Ekspert" - 10.2 km
- Postal service - 3.9 km
- Postal service "Poshta Gabra" - 6.7 km
- Dry cleaner's "Himichesko Chistene" - 17.8 km
- Hair-dresser - 17.3 km
- Beauty salon "naturasetica" - 18.3 km
- Vet "Sin Krast" - 15.5 km
- Restaurant "Stenata" - 268 m (4 min.)
- Restaurant "Priyateli" - 293 m (4 min.)
- Cafe - 4.0 km
- Bar - 14.1 km
- Casino "Toto" - 11.2 km
- Fitness centre "unleash The Beast Fitness Sofia" - 18.2 km
- Swimming pool - 9.6 km
- Sports pitch "Natsionalna Vetrohodna Baza" - 3.4 km
- Tennis court - 9.1 km
- Cinema "Arena Mladost" - 17.5 km
- Museum "Istoricheski Muzey" - 19.8 km
- Museum - 19.9 km
- Spa centre - 17.4 km
- Fishing "Zaribeno Ezero" - 11.8 km
- Golf course - 17.0 km
- Park - 3.0 km
- Garden - 19.4 km
- Car park - 3.3 km
- Petrol station "Alkon Oyl" - 11.0 km
- Charging station "kia Motors Bulgaria" - 16.4 km
- Car wash "Avtomivka I Serviz" - 15.0 km
- Car service "gk Auto Detailing" - 14.2 km
- Court house "Rayonen Sad Samokov" - 20.0 km
- Library "Chitalishte" - 5.7 km
- Church "Pasarelski Manastir “Sv.Sv. Petar I Pavel”" - 1.6 km
- Monastery "Lozenski Manastir "Sv. Spas"" - 8.0 km
This offer is not valid
Please contact us and we will find other properties that match your requirements.
This offer is not valid
Please contact us and we will find other properties that match your requirements.
Property ref: Bo Rent
When calling, please quote the property reference number.