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Local amenities


  • Bus stop "KAMENAR TsENTAR" - 236 m (3 min.) - Bus No: 23
  • Railway station "Tsentralna ZhP Gara Varna" - 5.4 km
  • Airport "Letishte Varna" - 6.7 km

  • Kindergarten - 562 m (7 min.)
  • Kindergarten "DG 29 "Zvanche"" - 1.9 km
  • School - 519 m (7 min.)
  • School "2 OU Nikola Vaptsarov" - 2.2 km
  • College "Meditsinski Universitet - Meditsinski Kolezh" - 3.4 km
  • University "Ikonomicheski Universitet - Varna, 2-ri Korpus" - 2.7 km
  • University "Tehnicheski Universitet – Varna" - 3.3 km

  • Hospital "MTs Nova" - 2.0 km
  • Hospital "Voenno-morska Bolnitsa" - 2.5 km
  • Medical center "MTs Sanita" - 2.7 km

  • Food market "Moyat Magazin" - 1.7 km
  • Supermarket "city Market" - 1.8 km
  • Supermarket "cba" - 1.9 km
  • Marketplace - 3.2 km
  • Bakery "Steli" - 2.2 km
  • Pet shop - 2.8 km
  • Mall "Pfoe Mol" - 2.8 km

  • Bank "easy Credit" - 2.5 km
  • Bank "Unikredit Bulbank" - 2.8 km
  • ATM "Banka DSK" - 4.6 km
  • ATM "Poshtenska Banka" - 4.9 km
  • Pharmacy - 2.3 km
  • Postal service "ekont" - 1.8 km
  • Postal service "speedy" - 2.5 km
  • Hair-dresser - 2.9 km
  • Dry cleaner's - 3.6 km
  • Beauty salon "lashbar Studio" - 2.9 km
  • Vet "D-r Petkov" - 2.8 km

  • Restaurant "cherrito" - 1.6 km
  • Restaurant - 2.3 km
  • Cafe - 2.6 km
  • Bar "Kakao" - 2.2 km
  • Night club "Retro Klub" - 3.5 km
  • Casino "Palms Bet" - 3.3 km

  • Fitness centre "rowers Training" - 3.0 km
  • Swimming pool - 2.7 km
  • Sports pitch - 2.0 km
  • Tennis court "Tenis Igrishte Mladost" - 2.8 km
  • Theatre "Leten Teatar" - 4.7 km
  • Theatre "Dramatichen Teatar "Stoyan Bachvarov"" - 4.7 km
  • Cinema "arena" - 3.3 km
  • Museum "Muzey Vladislav Varnenchik" - 3.7 km
  • Museum "hudozhestvena Galeriya "Boris Georgiev"" - 4.5 km
  • Spa centre - 3.6 km

  • Park - 2.4 km
  • Garden - 2.8 km

  • Car park - 1.3 km
  • Petrol station "Kavagaz" - 2.0 km
  • Charging station "eldrive DKS VARNA" - 4.3 km
  • Car wash - 2.1 km
  • Car service "softelektronics" - 1.2 km (15 min.)

  • Embassy "Ukrainsko Konsulstvo" - 3.5 km
  • Court house "Rayonen Sad Varna" - 3.9 km
  • Library "Otets Paisiy" - 3.3 km
  • Church "Metoh Na Devicheski Manastir "Sv. Uspenie Bogorodichno"" - 3.4 km


€ 100 000 Area: 100.00 m2    Garden: 700 m2
  • BGN
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Agency commission due
FOR MORE INFORMATION Property ref: Vna 85033

When calling, please quote the property reference number.

Anna Itsova

Anna Itsova

Office Varna
110, Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd., fl. 2, office 4, Varna 9000, Bulgaria All properties (137)


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