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Local amenities


  • Kindergarten "Detska Gradina" - 700 m (9 min.)
  • Kindergarten "Detska Gradina "Alen Mak"" - 4.8 km
  • School "Osnovno Uchilishte "Prosveta"" - 478 m (6 min.)
  • School "OU "Georgi Benkovski"" - 3.6 km

  • Hospital "Bolnitsa "Petromar" AD" - 19.8 km
  • Medical center "Zdravna Sluzhba" - 9.6 km

  • Food market "Hranitelni Stoki" - 764 m (10 min.)
  • Supermarket "Supermarket" - 677 m (9 min.)
  • Supermarket "Smesen Magazin" - 7.5 km
  • Marketplace "Obshtinski Pazar Za Plodove I Zelenchutsi" - 12.6 km
  • Bakery - 14.4 km

  • Bank "Banka DSK" - 9.8 km
  • Pharmacy - 11.3 km
  • Postal service "Poshta" - 7.5 km
  • Postal service "Poshta" - 7.5 km
  • Vet "Veterinarna Lechebnitsa" - 7.1 km

  • Restaurant "Restorant" - 2.4 km
  • Restaurant "Restorant Valera" - 7.4 km
  • Cafe - 7.1 km

  • Swimming pool - 11.9 km
  • Sports pitch - 12.2 km
  • Museum "Etnografski Kompleks Damastsena" - 9.6 km
  • Museum "Natsionalen Muzey "Hristo Botev"" - 9.8 km
  • Spa centre - 9.2 km

  • Park "Park" - 671 m (9 min.)

  • Car park "Parking" - 2.4 km
  • Petrol station "Benzinostantsiya" - 3.6 km
  • Car wash "Avtomivka" - 11.9 km
  • Car service - 7.2 km

  • Library "Chitalishte "Boris Berov 1903"" - 706 m (9 min.)
  • Church "Hram "Sveti Georgi Pobedonosets"" - 7.4 km


€ 71 000 Area: 180.00 m2    Garden: 982 m2
  • BGN
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  • £
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FOR MORE INFORMATION Property ref: SZ 85189

When calling, please quote the property reference number.

Sergey Pelovski

Sergey Pelovski

Office Sofia
22, Zlaten Rog Str., floor 4, office 7, Sofia 1407 All properties (777)


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