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BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Agents of August 2024



Meet the top real estate agents who will be at your disposal even in the most vacation-filled month!

They are experienced, they have excellent client reviews, and consistently achieve the best results month after month.

They deserve your trust and are waiting for your inquiries to buy, sell, or rent properties in Bulgaria
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Only on our website you will find a variety of properties in Bulgaria with videos. Don't waste time, view them online - on your phone, laptop or tablet, at a convenient time and without the need for an inspection trip and personal visit. Welcome for video viewings with BULGARIAN PROPERTIES!
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Discover wonderful homes in the Bulgarian beach resorts!
Check out our selection of properties on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast! Attractive prices, regular flights to Burgas and Varna international airports. Perfect for frequent visits, summer holidays, and more.
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BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Agents of September 2024


We are proud to announce our Agents of the Month who distinguished themselves with outstanding results and tireless work in August!

The real estate market in Bulgaria continued to move at a good pace last month. Property prices continue to rise and the demand continues to be higher than the supply. It looks like we are in for a very dynamic autum...

03 September, 2024
Press & Media
1700 Euro reached the average price/sq.m. in Sofia

What happened on the real estate market in the first half of 2024?

98,178 property sales were made in the first half of 2024, according to statistics from the Registry Agency. Compared to the first 6 months of 2023, there was a very small drop in the number of transactions, which then stood at 98,832. The main reason for this is not the lack of interest, but the limite...

28 August, 2024
latest news
Housing prices in Bulgaria with double-digit growth. Top tips for sellers

According to NSI data for the first quarter of 2024, residential property prices in Bulgaria have risen by 16% compared to a year earlier. Such accelerated growth has not been recorded since 2022. By comparison, in 2023, annual price growth was about 10%.

NSI also recorded a similar upward movement in household incomes, with data for the first quarter of 2024 showing that the countr...

16 July, 2024
latest news
Eurostat: Bulgaria Tops EU in Q1 Housing Price Growth

House prices in the first quarter of 2024 were down 0.4% in the euro area and up by 1.3 % in the European Union (EU), recent data that Eurostat made public on Friday shows. The data has Bulgaria leading EU in quarter-to-quarter increase in house prices and second after Poland in terms of year-on-year growth in the first quarter.

Eurostat highlighted a comparison with Q4 of 2023, sho...

08 July, 2024