For personal data processing
Full name of the data subject
Phone number
in my capacity of a data subject and as per the General Data Protection Regulation, I have given my consent for processing of the following personal data of mine:
Point only the data for which you are withdrawing your consent
in the following way:
On paper, online
for the following purpose:
Point out the purpose for which you have declared your consent
to BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Ltd., EIK 131164582, with company registration and address: 22, Zlaten Rog Str., fl. 4, office 7, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria.
By stating that I am duly informed that I have the right to withdraw my consent for processing of personal data, in whole or in part, at any time without being obliged to state the reason for the withdrawal,
I withdraw my consent my personal data specified in the above form to be stored and processed for the stated purpose(s).
I declare that I withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data freely, explicitly, and in respect of all the personal data stated in this notification, according to my own will and beliefs.
I understand that processing will be stopped as quickly as possible, if not immediately in an automated online environment. However, there may be a reasonable delay while the request is being processed.
I understand that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing up to that point.
I am aware that I have the right to object and complain to the Commission for Personal Data Protection, which is the supervisory body in the Republic of Bulgaria, in the event that BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Ltd. continues the processing of the above mentioned data after the withdrawal of the consent with this notification.
*Type the figures
To submit this inquiry please tick to confirm you are acquainted with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and that you give your consent to BULGARIAN PROPERTIES to process your personal data. This is needed as per the General Data Protection Regulation.