BULGARIAN PROPERTIES is the first real estate company to offer skype video viewings which, in combination with the numerous properties we feature with video clips, positions our property marketing among the most innovative in our field.
Our team has been furnished with the necessary ecquipment in order to provide viewings of properties through video connection on Skype. This will save you time and money travelling to the properties you like and will help you either choose the right property for you from a distance, or at least narrow your search so that you can visit personally only the properties you like most.
Usually, a skype viewing will take about 15-20 minutes during which the estate agent will show you the whole property and all the details you wish to take a closer look at. You will be able to ask questions and communicate with the agent as if you were there personally. For being able to view properties on Skype you only need a computer with a microphone and Skype installed.
Please, contact the estate agents in our property listings to make appointments for a Skype viewings.
We hope this will be a useful and exciting service that will help you make good property deals in Bulgaria.