Property Search on the Map of Bulgaria
In this section of the site you can search for a city, town, village or resort in Bulgaria with the help of Google Maps.
In every town, residential quarter or street you will find marked properties for sale and rent, as well as the sights and the closest BULGARIAN PROPERTIES office. If you place the mouse on the property icon you will get short information about this property and if you click on it you will see the full property listing. In the Address line you can search for any particular town, village, residential quarter or street -just type the name and you will get our offers from that location.
Through Google Maps you can find:
• all properties we offer throughout Bulgaria by writing the settlement, quarter/street in the Address field just above the map;
• Cities, towns, villages, resorts in Bulgaria
• Quarters and streets
• Landmarks
• Squares
• Metro stations, etc.
You need help with the map navigation? Please, read the instuctions below:
In order to move around the map click on the map with the left mouse button and move the mouse in the direction you want. In order to return where you started click on the Back to The Last Result button which is placed between the arrows in the top left corner of the map.
For zooming in and out click on the «+» and «–» buttons using the scroll button or place the cursor on the site and double click.
In order to switch between the street map and the satellite map use the buttons in the top right corner of the map: Map/Satellite.
Please have in mind that if you cannot find a certain settlement you should try spelling it in a different way. If you have any questions
e-mail us and we will help you.