Address of the office

87 Hadzhi Dimitar Asenov Str. Stara Zagora 6000, Bulgaria

How to get to the office

The office is in the center of town, opposite the Asia Chinese restaurant. Coming from the central bus station: to the west, on the second traffic lights after the bus station turn right and after three blocks cross a pedestrian zone /there is a Mobiltel office on the corner/. After about 50 m to the left on the same street is the Rimini Business Center. Our office is on the ground floor.

Coming from Sofia: On entering the town /via the old road from the town of Chirpan/ drive only straight. Pass five traffic lights and get to a pedestrian zone. Then turn left and the Rimini Business Center is about 50 m away.
Coming from Bourgas: On entering the town drive only straight, pass two traffic lights and get to the central bus station. From then you can follow the derections from the bus station to the office.

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